Monday, December 28, 2009
Love Rain
Woooooosah. I feel like I need a French beret hat, some bongos, and a steaming cup of cappuccino. *Snaps snaps snaps*
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
No definition
Today I was cruising around iChat (in ninja mode of course. I wasn't feeling very social) and saw the following away message from a male friend:
Fact of the day: every girl wants to be publicly claimed and the name matters more than the relationship
...What da quaaaaa?
Although I strongly dislike when people generalize with the word every I think he does, kinda sorta for the most part, have a point.
Everyone wants some form of acknowledgement. To some it's a simple look when they enter a room, for others it's a verbal verification that their presence is noticed. In terms of the kind of people Mr. Fortune Cookie was referring to, they need their private status to be publicly known in order to get personal satisfaction.
While abroad, two of my friends were hit by Cupid's arrow. One day the female, J, came to a group of us upset because, after spending all day with D, he 'ignored' her when she walked into a common area. She explained that they made dinner together, watched a movie, yada yada, but as soon as they got around people he acted like he didn't know her.
As a friend of both people involved and living with them in the same dorm, I can tell you that this was the furthest thing from the truth. Everyone in the program knew that the two were an item and it was obvious that they were both hit hard by the aforementioned arrow.
So what more did she want?
In her words: 'acknowledgement'
My question to her, and others like her, is what more acknowledgement do you need? If you know that, at the end of the day, you're the last person (s)he's going to talk to before going to sleep, if you know you can turn to them whenever, if you know that you're the one who comes to mind when a certain song comes on, blah dee blah, then why does it matter if other people know?
Now I'm not saying to have a secret relationship. That may work for some, but not for others. All I'm saying is why is a label so important? All boyfriend, girlfriend, wifey, boo, etc. are are words. What if Webster had given their definition to hangnail... or sashquat? Extreme, but seriously. You know what you are. Why does it matter if your friend Cindy Loo-Who finds out through Facebook? None of those words can truly capture the the joy, the happiness, the trials, or the tribulations of two people who choose to spend their time together.
To me, labels are necessary when you need to remind yourself of what something is such as labeling a document or can of peaches. Now this mentality can be because I've never been in a situation where any of this was necessary, but I would like to think that my lack of experience has nothing to do with it. As long as you and the person you're with are happy, why put a label on it? Why let the public into your private matters? Hakuna matata. Let things play out and whatever happens happens.
I can completely understand wanting some public acknowledgement. After all if you can't claim me in public you can't have me in private, meaning don't act as if I'm just another person on the street when you see me, but then expect to be all lovey dovey when we're alone (unless of course you both agree on this beforehand). At the same time, I'm me and you're you... we don't need to be joined at the hip (actually I'd strongly dislike that and get bored with you quickly). I think the strongest couples are those who spend time apart because, once they get together away from the public eye, they can re-discover the reasons why they chose each other.
I dunno. To each their own. I just personally think that if you need other people to see what you have then you're not confident in the strength of your bond with another.
I leave you with this track from Mario, one of the most underrated R&B singers around:
On the true tragedy of it all
You know how, whenever reporting the end of someone's time on earth, people often refer to it as a 'tragic death?' Well, isn't that kind of redundant? Death is a permanent thing. Yes it one of the few things guaranteed to us, but that doesn't take away from the sadness of it all. No matter who someone is or what they did during their time among us, them losing the opportunity to feel the warmth of the sun or go through the simple complexity of inhaling and exhaling is, in itself, a tragedy. So why state the obvious? Every death is tragic, whether they starred in blockbuster films or sat outside asking for change. Now I'm not gonna sit here and act holier than thou, because I know I'm as guilty of taking things for granted as the next person, but every now and then tidbits such as this pop into my head.
That is all.
fortune cookie,
things that make you go hmmm
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Space - the final frontier.
Regardless of your beliefs, religious or scientific, there is no way in goodness that you can deny the awe that the following photographs inspire. What I couldn't give to be able to see these in person:
For more pictures go here <--- click
Imagine, we're just a little dot in all of that. No matter what problems you have, whether or not you make your deadline, get the person your heart desires, win the lottery... none of that has any effect on the larger picture. Goodness. There is so much more out there and yet we often get caught up in the moment and what we want/need/think/feel when the truth is that at the end of the day none of that matters. The world will keep spinning, the stars will keep twinkling... the only thing that you can control is whether or not you'll take it all in. Wowsers.
To the Big Man Upstairs, kudos. You are quite the artist.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
No direction
So yeah. There is really nothing in specific that I need to touch on, but so much I need to get out so let's begin shall we?
- I'm home. It's not as weird as I thought it would be, but it's noticeably different. Borderline painfully so.
- As soon as I walked through the front door I cried. Then I sucked it up because I hate seeing my mom cry and we usually set each other off.
- Love Jones is a fabulous movie. The soundtrack is equally official.
- The Young Money album is better than I thought it would be, as is Lil Wayne's rock album. Please note that I said better than I thought. They will need some time getting used to.
- While I speak about music, if you have not done so, please get familiar with Robin Thicke. He is amazing.
- My hair turned brown. I dunno how, but it did. I kinda like it.
- Even though I miss the people I just spent the last three months with, I'm horrible at keeping in touch. I really need to work on that.
- It's cold. That means it's cuddling season. Ha.
- If you have to ask the question, then the answer is most likely no.
- Just because you know the above doesn't mean that you'll be completely satisfied, so go ahead and ask it. Once you get the answer, act accordingly.
- I sometimes get breathe/breath, loose/lose confused. For the latter I just think of baseball.
- Sometimes laughter truly is the best medicine. If that doesn't work, there's always hot cocoa or peppermint tea.
- 2009 is almost over. What have you done with your year? If you're not thoroughly pleased, no worries; there are 14 days left. Get busy.
- I don't believe in letting a calender determine who I am. If I see something that needs to be adjusted, I try my best to do it when it's brought to my attention. In other words, I don't believe in resolutions.
- Tiger Woods was named athlete of the decade with 56 of 142 votes. This makes me extremely happy. Congrats homie. Considering that you single handedly changed a sport, you deserve it. Keep your head up and your pants zipped. And to those fools with their sob stories: Silly rabbit, of course you weren't the only one! If he cheated WITH you of course he cheated ON you.
... ok. I think I' all random-ed out. Hope you have a splendiferous day.
Monday, December 14, 2009
The end
As I sit in my room and look around, I see three suitcases in the corner, ready to be dragged down the stairs.
How the goodness did this semester end so quickly?
I've done so much and have so much more to experience
I've gone through so many things, but have yet to even cross the threshold
At 6:45 AM I will be boarding a plane back to the States and leaving a piece of me behind
Como triste...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Could it be...
I woke up with this classic playing in my head and 7.5 hours later it's still there; Im not mad at all. Enjoy:
Sidenote: Soul Train used to be THAT show. Don Cornelius held it down like gravity, Shemar Moore, while aesthetically pleasing, was just aiight, and I don't even know who is in charge now/if it still airs. A classic in itself.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The stuff that lasts
As I sit here and attempt to complete one of the many projects standing between me and going home, I came to a realization:
I'm in love.
Now let me tell you, this is a life changing realization cuz from here on out I'll never be the same.
You see, the love between us took a while to mature, but now that it's here it's gonna last forever.
This is the stuff of fairy tales. Actually no. Not fairy tales, because those stories pale in comparison to what this is.
This is so much more.
You see, this wasn't love at first sight or any of that foolishness.
I mean, I've known this person for years, in fact longer than I've known anyone else.
I've seen them around town, they know the same people I do, they would be in the same room as me, and with all these encounters I thought I knew all that there is to know.
But then something happened.
I can't quite put my finger on it. Perhaps it was as I witnessed one of their successes. Or maybe it happened as I watched the way they handled what life threw at them, jumping over hurdles and sprinting along the track as if they were the next Usain Bolt.
See, there are so many memories that it's hard to pinpoint the one that made turned this contentment into full burning adoration.
Now, earlier I said that this love was meant to last, and I'm pretty sure it is. Now that I'm here there's no turning back. I mean yeah there will be off days, but when it's all said and done I know that this person will never ever desert me.
I'm in love and I have been for quite a while.
This is the life changing kind, the kind that brings that twinkle to your eye.
Cuz ladies and gentleman, I'm in love with me.
Ok back to work.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Note: thank you Don for the idea. This is exactly the break I (didn't) need from my project.
saying no to:
any thoughts of 'i can't...'
being taken for granted
holding it all in
saying yes to:
what's in store
expanding my horizons
giddy about:
going home
what the future will bring
deeply inspired by:
those who can keep on truckin even when it seems like the gas tank is empty
people can string words together in ways that make them jump off a page
obsessed with:
chocolate peanut m&m's
in love with:
the person I'm becoming
the kindness and wit of the human race
haunted by:
not saying goodbye
saved by:
the knowledge that even if I wasn't able to say it at that exact moment, my dad knows that he helped to mold me into the woman I'm becoming
my mom
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Things I strongly dislike
The word hate. There are very few things that deserve the amount of energy such an emotion requires. Ignorance. Tardiness. CP TIME IS NOT AN EXCUSE. Pettiness. Spicy food. The misuse of they're/there/their, breath/breathe, it's/it. Please. Ask Santa for a grammar lesson. Cockiness. The word 'swag'. Soulja Boy and those like him. The fact that celebrities have to apologize for personal issues. Pulling the race card as an excuse for shortcomings. Tomatoes.
...this list was hard to formulate.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Things I love
lyrics that make my heart sing along. fusions of words and punctuation marks that take my breath away one minute and speed up my heart in the next. love. chocolate peanut m&m's. crispy pad thai. sushi. jamaican food. Greek chocolate. oreo cheesecake. food in general. laughing so hard that my abdominal muscles ache. hugs. awkward situations. 'that's what she said..." smiling. kindness. art. reading. walking. running. driving fast. silence that speaks volumes. that look. people who deserve it. helping others. finding myself. sexy heels. when you find that one nail polish color that you'll never not use again. music. car chase scenes. psychological thrillers. mushy gushy crap. wit. sarcasm. cooking. rings. leather jackets. reciprocity. old school songs. being random. midnight walks with no destination. the museum. he who as of now remains unnamed, unknown, unseen, undiscovered.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
My planner...
... looks like an extra outta A Nightmare on Elms Street:
Dec. 3 - European Union Quiz
Dec. 4 - Organizational Behavior Quiz
Dec. 7 - Organizational Behavior Case Study Due
Dec. 8 - Advertising Project Due
Dec. 11 - Organization Behavior Quiz, Advertising Final, European Union Final
Dec. 14 - Greek Final, Organizational Behavior Final
Dec. 15 - Go home
Shiznit. I'd be jealous too.
to do,
Why Lord why?
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The giving of thanks
I'm thankful for all that I've lost, all that I have, and all that is to come, not just today, but every day. We are all a sum of the additions, deletions, divisions, and multiples that have occurred during our time here.
Enjoy your turkey, family, football, la dee dah, but most importantly enjoy your life. Enjoy the experiences, good or bad, that got you to this point.
Be thankful always.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I Wrote This For You...
Today during my usual tour of the world wide web I found what could possibly be the best blog ever.
You should discover it too.
fortune cookie,
things that make you go hmmm
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Oldie: Say Something
I was clearing out my hard-drive when I came across this gem. Enjoy.
When was the last time you had a conversation with someone?
And when I say conversation I mean face to face.
Not over the phone.
Not over the computer.
Personally, that is the kind of contact I thrive on.
I'm a face to face person.
The phone? Ehhh.
It's ok I guess. I've had a few worthy convos but I tend to stay away from it.
I'll do it to keep in touch, but I'm not it's biggest fan.
I personally think that technology takes away from the face to face contact that can tell you about a person.
Wanna know how someone feels? Read their away message or Facebook status.
I can guarantee that on any given day, no matter how many people are on, at least one person will spill their hearts out in that little box, even though they would never directly express these thoughts to the person they're meant for.
It's as if they want everyone except the person the message is meant for to know how they feel because when you think about it, if you have that big of a problem with someone, technically you wouldn't be their friend on AIM or Facebook which means there's really no guarantee that they will see it.
You can never tell what a person is really thinking over telephone or cable wires.
55% of what we say is non verbal.
Yeah. Chew on that.
The sounds that reach your eardrum are a little less than half of what someone really wants to convey.
Face to face is the only way to tell if someone is nervous, excited, happy, lying, etc.
After all, that's the only way you can see the body language that corresponds to the above.
I hate when people try to have a serious conversation over AIM or through texting.
To me it's disrespectful.
If you're miles away I can understand.
But if you're down the road it basically means that you don't think it's important enough to address.
Why have we become so depended on technology to express ourselves anyway?
It completely eliminates the contact that makes all relations successful.
I dunno.
I think it makes everything a lot more difficult because of the confusion that can happen and the missed signals.
Don't get me wrong.
The phone and computer are some of the greatest inventions clearly but I feel that we're getting to the point where we've become too reliant.
What would happen if everything just...
No phone connection.
No internet.
Would we be so willing to go back to the face to face that got us to this point in the first place?
And when I say conversation I mean face to face.
Not over the phone.
Not over the computer.
Personally, that is the kind of contact I thrive on.
I'm a face to face person.
The phone? Ehhh.
It's ok I guess. I've had a few worthy convos but I tend to stay away from it.
I'll do it to keep in touch, but I'm not it's biggest fan.
I personally think that technology takes away from the face to face contact that can tell you about a person.
Wanna know how someone feels? Read their away message or Facebook status.
I can guarantee that on any given day, no matter how many people are on, at least one person will spill their hearts out in that little box, even though they would never directly express these thoughts to the person they're meant for.
It's as if they want everyone except the person the message is meant for to know how they feel because when you think about it, if you have that big of a problem with someone, technically you wouldn't be their friend on AIM or Facebook which means there's really no guarantee that they will see it.
You can never tell what a person is really thinking over telephone or cable wires.
55% of what we say is non verbal.
Yeah. Chew on that.
The sounds that reach your eardrum are a little less than half of what someone really wants to convey.
Face to face is the only way to tell if someone is nervous, excited, happy, lying, etc.
After all, that's the only way you can see the body language that corresponds to the above.
I hate when people try to have a serious conversation over AIM or through texting.
To me it's disrespectful.
If you're miles away I can understand.
But if you're down the road it basically means that you don't think it's important enough to address.
Why have we become so depended on technology to express ourselves anyway?
It completely eliminates the contact that makes all relations successful.
I dunno.
I think it makes everything a lot more difficult because of the confusion that can happen and the missed signals.
Don't get me wrong.
The phone and computer are some of the greatest inventions clearly but I feel that we're getting to the point where we've become too reliant.
What would happen if everything just...
No phone connection.
No internet.
Would we be so willing to go back to the face to face that got us to this point in the first place?
things that make you go hmmm
3 continents down, 4 to go
This past weekend I went to Egypt.
Holy crap that sounds so obnoxious, but in my defense I had Tuesday off and it's only three hours away from my current location.
Nope. Still obnoxious.
But I'm so glad I did it.
Hands down one of the coolest things I'll ever do.
Highlights of the trip include the Great Pyramid and King Tut's tomb/treasures.
Fun fact: They had hinges back in the day. Yurp. We're not that cool.
I'm on a boat. On the Nile River.
This looks photoshopped. I love it.
Wonder of the ancient world. Awe inspiring.
The standard camel ride. It was quite pleasant.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
An electronic means of communication and capturing visual memories
I had to swoop through for this random though:
Although the video is straight hogwash [someone was a little too excited to play with their new editing tools], 'Video Phone' makes me wanna do a little one two step in the worst way. They were puttin in work too. Go on witcho bad selves.
Excuse my french...
... but hindsight is a female dog.
You know that question about what super power you could have?
Well screw flying, x-ray vision, and all that nonsense.
My super power would be to know.
To know every twist and turn, know every angle, know every possible outcome.
I'm talking about the cheat sheet to this 'choose your own adventure' that is life.
Now you may be thinking that the whole 'unknown' factor is what adds the spice to life.
I say hogwash! No, no it is not.
Sure when things work out and you get a nice surprise, like finding a few bills in a random coat pocket, or snagging those lone fries at the bottom of the bag, yeah that's nice.
But when you sit and realize you should have seen something from the jump and have to face the fact that the opportunity may have passed you by, that blows. A lot. Much like a helium tank at a birthday party.
So the moral of the story is hindsight is a major womp.
Although hypothetically, if an opportunity was that great and meant to be, shouldn't it still be there once you wisen up to it?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Webster knows a thing or two after all...
intimacy: the ability to fuse one's identity with that of someone else's without fear of losing your own
things that make you go hmmm
Monday, November 2, 2009
Kodak moments
I guess I should throw up a couple of those pics huh. Well seeing as I've taken nearly a thousand thus far (I wish I was kidding), I'd be damned if I sat here uploading them all, so here are a couple that truly highlight the experience.
The American College of Thessaloniki. One of the two buildings that makes up the campus. The other is the library. No chance of getting lost in this bad boy.
It was Halloween. I'm in Greece. So clearly I had to whip out the toga. Don't act like you wouldn't do the same.
Group shot. Yay.
This place is so fricken beautiful it's disgusting.
Chillin on top of an active volcano. Twas an explosive experience.
Sunset in Santorini. This is the stuff postcards are made of.
Went to a professional football (soccer) game this past weekend. The crowd was really wild and reckless. I'm talking about fireworks before the team even scored.
And when they score in overtime? Whew. The place goes wild.
During my fall break I went to Crete and took a tour of the Peloponnese. This is the ancient Amphitheater in Ancient Messene. Twas quite large.
The boardwalk in Thessaloniki. It's really cute and gets awfully live in the evenings.
I get to look at this every night before the sandman comes and takes me away. Pretty schweet.
So now that pics are there, I guess I should add some words in addition to the captions huh? Well... let's see. Greece is awesome. I've been here for about a month and a half now and I have 6 weeks left. Holy goodness. Where does time go?
This experience is shaping out to be exactly what I wanted it to be and so much more. Even though I received some earth shattering news within a week or two of my arrival, I'm glad I decided to stay and see it to the end.
I have midterms coming up soon which means I have to put the 'study' part back into this trip, but eh, we'll see.
Um... what else?
I'm making it my goal to update at least once a week. We'll see how that goes.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Pearl Chronicles
I've had my phone for about a 18 months (1.5. yrs for those of you who are a little rusty in the math department) and during that time it's only suffered minor damage. Ya know, an occasion scratch here and there. I could essentially count the number of physical defects on one hand.
Now, in the past three days I have:
*clears throat*
- dropped it out of a window [onto concrete]
- seen it tumble out my pocket as I exit a car [onto concrete]
- slide of aforementioned vehicle [onto concrete]
- fall from my hands [onto a wood floor]
And there you have it. It knew the end was near. It just wanted to be the one calling the shots.
P.S. Completely unrelated:
Hello $.50. I really like your new song. Did you write it for Kelis?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ain't no mountain high...
. . . not even Mount Olympus.
Seriously contemplating going on that field trip.
Which one?
The one where unexperienced college students CLIMB towards the heavens.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Why hello there
Woke up this morning to an email describing our rooming assignments
Went on Facebook to creep on the future roomie only to realize
She beat me to it
Have I met my match?
things that make you go hmmm,
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Highest Apple
Lately I've been doing some deep considering and I needed an outlet in which to get my thoughts down. That's what this is for, right?
It all [re]started with this article [click it] entitled The Perfect Wifey and continued to sprout with a follow-up [click it] entitled Good Guy. First off, kudos to the author for these. While I don't always agree with what he says, he brings up several good points in these articles and if you haven't done so already I recommend that you swing by [yeah I'm really endorsing this... wowsers] to get yet another take on an age old issue. And if you couldn't tell [whoever you may be, if there is in fact a 'you' to refer to] this is going to be, yet again, a discussion about relationships/men/women/Adam/Eve/blahdeefrickenda.
So. Let's begin shall we.
His articles are pretty basic in that the titles give a complete synopsis of what is discussed. In the first he describes what he is searching for in an ideal mate and the latter discusses the trials and tribulations of the 'good guy,' saying that the cliche is true [and if you don't know what cliche I'm talking about slap yourself. Twice.]
When it comes to my ideal mate you can take many of his 'requirements' and manify them. I'm willing to bet that this is true for everyone. A friend had a Facebook note a while back asking what women look for in a mate and this is what I responded [thank goodness for copy/paste cuz I'd be damned to type that all over right now]:
I basically want someone who's on top of his ish: academically, mentally, socially, emotionally, financially
Academically - I need someone who can stimulate my mind. If I can't have a conversation with you then don't even bother. The best kind of person is the one who you can talk about foolishness with one second and fricken politics the next.
Mentally - I need someone who has his head in the right place. No baggage, no hesitations... just be confident in YOU. Know what you want and take the steps necessary to attain it.
Socially - I need you to be able to hold your own in a crowd. I don't mind a laid back person cuz I keep to myself at times, but I don't want a mute either.
Emotionally - along the lines of the mental blurb, but I need someone who's confident enough in himself to let me in. I'm not askin for you to cry whenever it's too windy, but don't put up indestructible walls either.
Academically - I need someone who can stimulate my mind. If I can't have a conversation with you then don't even bother. The best kind of person is the one who you can talk about foolishness with one second and fricken politics the next.
Mentally - I need someone who has his head in the right place. No baggage, no hesitations... just be confident in YOU. Know what you want and take the steps necessary to attain it.
Socially - I need you to be able to hold your own in a crowd. I don't mind a laid back person cuz I keep to myself at times, but I don't want a mute either.
Emotionally - along the lines of the mental blurb, but I need someone who's confident enough in himself to let me in. I'm not askin for you to cry whenever it's too windy, but don't put up indestructible walls either.
Financially - I need someone who can stand on his own two feet. I don't mind footin the bill occasionally, in fact I expect to, but I'm not your suga mama. Get ya ish on lock.
Also, you need to make me laugh. You know how I am and a lack of laughter is not an option. You also need to know how to put it down. I'm jus sayin.
And most importantly, like Serani said (yeah I did it), no games. That ish is for little boys and I'm not a pedophile. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Also, you need to make me laugh. You know how I am and a lack of laughter is not an option. You also need to know how to put it down. I'm jus sayin.
And most importantly, like Serani said (yeah I did it), no games. That ish is for little boys and I'm not a pedophile. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
So... simple list right? I mean, no one wants someone who can't hold their own in any of the above [and as I look back I realize I forgot to mention physical requirements, but... that goes unsaid right? ... Just in case it doesn't though : Hygienic. Dresses well in a style that is his own/makes him comfortable... I won't go any further cuz this isn't a personal ad, but you get the idea.
So... if we all essentially want the same thing - to find someone that satisfies our 'requirements' and will make us happy, because at the end of the day that's the end goal, happiness, then why the goodness is this constantly an issue? I feel as though this conversation will continue to happen as long as people are around to have it.
There are many reasons for this, from confusion, hesitation, the 80/20 rule, bread crumb rule, blah dee fricken blah. Each one of these concepts deserves a fricken telenovela so I won't even get into it.
I highlighted two articles earlier so I'm gonna touch on the second one, which actually encompasses a couple of the reasons I just mentioned.
The good guy/girl finishes last.
I'm just gonna throw this out there: don't completely agree.
I've noticed, as I'm sure you have, that at times it seems as though the last person to be boo lovin is the first one to have that special someone and the people who you would think would be scooped up are constantly solo dolo.
However, as someone who is self-categorized as the 'good girl' [up for debate, but I'm pretty confident that the opposition would be hard pressed to refute this effectively], I don't see myself as finishing last at all.
It's all about perception.
Now I'm not gonna sit here and say that I've never been discouraged by what goes on cuz that would be a bold faced, and needless, lie. Yes, it gets frustrating to hear people claim they want this and that [read: wifey material/a good girl] and then turn around and pursue the exact opposite [read: someone with more miles than Air Force One, take that as you may], but when it's all said and done I would rather wait and chill than change who I am just to get someone to want me. I almost said 'do me,' but it's come to my attention that people take that to mean something COMPLETELY different than what I mean it as. When I say that I mean that I'm literally doing me - getting my ish together and taking the steps necessary for various forms of success. The operative word is 'me.' Note I didn't say 'every human with a phallus.'
But I digress.
Yeah. Long story short: the good guy/good girl doesn't always finish last. They only finish last if they allow a few bumps in the road to change who they are. Why do I say this?
Think about it.
You're a good person because you're a good person. That's who you are. That's what makes you happy. To let someone who doesn't deserve what you have to offer strip you of your intrinsic characteristics is to deny yourself and someone who does deserve the 'good you' a chance at something great. That my friend, is where you finish last.
Also, for every good guy/girl who thinks that all hope is lost, there is a good guy/girl who has found that person who appreciates all that they have to offer and realized that it was what they wanted. I've seen it first hand. Multiple times. And I'm sure you have too.
Sidenote: If you, a 'good' person, continue to go around and expect all people to look over you then you won't notice when someone is looking right at you. So yeah. Stick that in your oven and bake it... on high.
So that's my view on the issue. This isn't really what I wanted to say, but I said it. Oh boy did I say it. This ish is mad long.
Oh. I just remembered. I called this post 'The Highest Apple' because of the little fable below:
Girls are like apples on trees, the best ones are at the top. The boys dont want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt so instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. As they watch, the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.
So you go out and be the best apple you can be [insert thumbs up and fist pump].
Goodness I'm special.
Also, since I'm talking about relationships and whatnot, watch this. Hil-fricken-arious. Shout out to Ms. Trini for putting me on:
Why Lord why?
Saturday, September 5, 2009
To do...
The more I look at pictures of this place, the more amped I am to go. Too bad I have mad ish to do before I depart:
- Find out which seat on the plane has a greater chance of ensuring my survival in the event of a crash [...I'm so serious]
- Figure out how many Tylenol I need to safely knock out [17 hours in the air? Psh. The sandman is about to be my best friend]
- Get a camera charger since mine decided to DIE even though I hardly used it. Bastard.
- Get books for the flight/random downtime
- Get my hizzair did
- Convert my dollars to euros
- Call the bank and let them know that, no I have not had my identity stolen, I'm just overseas for a while
- Get the Tour [thank Zeus my upgrade is on the 8th. I swear it's a sign]
- Get last minutes items
- [re]Pack my bags
So yeah. Should be interesting. I'm sure there's more... I'll probably remember right before I leave for the airport. Tisk tisk.
Update: Duh! How could I forget? I need a bag of chocolate peanut m&m's. A jumbo bag. It's gonna be a long flight.
Fortune cookie moment of the day:
Continue to move through life like a raging river. Never become stagnant. Stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquitos and no one likes those blood suckers.
Yeah. Twas all me. [raises hands to the roof]
Friday, September 4, 2009
My Thesis Is...
So... this is my blog. I usually start these things, throwing myself into them, updating frequently, writing and editing, blah dee blah, and then sadly I forget about them after a couple of months [the only exceptions are Facebook and Twitter... I'm forever within their snares].
Until now.
Cuz see, now I have a reason to write. From September 12 to December 15 I will be in Thessaloniki, Greece and I figured, what better way to keep track of my travels than to blog it, cuz Zeus knows that I would lose a notebook, no matter how pretty it was.
So yeah. We'll see how this goes. I'll discuss the preparation, arrival, duration, and aftermath of my trip, along with the standard randomness cuz that's how I get down.
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