Sunday, December 6, 2009

The stuff that lasts

As I sit here and attempt to complete one of the many projects standing between me and going home, I came to a realization:

I'm in love.

Now let me tell you, this is a life changing realization cuz from here on out I'll never be the same.

You see, the love between us took a while to mature, but now that it's here it's gonna last forever.

This is the stuff of fairy tales. Actually no. Not fairy tales, because those stories pale in comparison to what this is.

This is so much more.

You see, this wasn't love at first sight or any of that foolishness.

I mean, I've known this person for years, in fact longer than I've known anyone else.

I've seen them around town, they know the same people I do, they would be in the same room as me, and with all these encounters I thought I knew all that there is to know.

But then something happened.

I can't quite put my finger on it. Perhaps it was as I witnessed one of their successes. Or maybe it happened as I watched the way they handled what life threw at them, jumping over hurdles and sprinting along the track as if they were the next Usain Bolt.

See, there are so many memories that it's hard to pinpoint the one that made turned this contentment into full burning adoration.

Now, earlier I said that this love was meant to last, and I'm pretty sure it is. Now that I'm here there's no turning back. I mean yeah there will be off days, but when it's all said and done I know that this person will never ever desert me.

I'm in love and I have been for quite a while.

This is the life changing kind, the kind that brings that twinkle to your eye.

Cuz ladies and gentleman, I'm in love with me.


Ok back to work.


  1. WHy did you do this to me? LOL. The entire time I read your fab post I was thinking to myself, she appears to understand what love is. And I was like I wonder if the dude feels the same way as she does.

    Lo' and behold I come to find that you are in love with YOU.

    Yep, definitely the stuff that last.
